Search Results for 'Urban acupuncture'

5 results found.

Chronic pain relief

Acupuncture, which originated in China is proven to be a very effective therapy for pain relief and is now used in many progressive hospitals in the USA, UK, Israel, and Australia.

You do not have to suffer from hay fever

Acupuncture is an often-overlooked treatment for hay fever and yet it has proven highly successful as a drug free way to alleviate the symptoms of runny nose, watery eyes, foggy head, sneezing, and blocked sinuses.

Improve your fertility with acupuncture

In Ireland up to one in six couples are affected by infertility. While the causes can be wide ranging including hormone imbalance, PCOS, endometriosis, and sperm disorders, the effects of being unable to conceive can be very distressing for the couple concerned.

Tackle stress with acupuncture

Stress is a component of modern day living that most people experience at some point in their lives. It becomes a problem when it is experienced regularly or over a long period of time. It can have an effect on our digestive and respiratory systems, our hormonal system, and impact our cardiovascular and reproductive systems.

Cure Care: providing sinus relief through acupuncture

As the weather gets damper, sinus sufferers can feel the all too familiar symptoms of facial pain, breathing difficulties, head pressure, stuffy noses and foggy thinking.


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