Search Results for 'Stress'
151 results found.
Stressin’ out
Stress. We can’t live with it, but unfortunately for most of us, we also can’t live without it.
A natural approach to chronic fatigue
Imagine waking up each day feeling extremely fatigued. Not the kind of tiredness that goes away after you rest but an exhaustion which takes over your life and limits your ability to do even the most ordinary activities.
Facing up to stress
Your heart is racing and you find it impossible to concentrate, work and sleep. Your waking hours are full of dread and anguish about your job, money, your family and your ability to provide for them. You feel stressed all the time and each day is a struggle.
Coping with Christmas stresses
Many of us would admit to feeling stressed at certain times in our lives and Christmas, an expensive and busy period for most of us, is being forced upon us earlier each year, prolonging the agony. Christmas is supposed to be a joyful and happy time filled with merriment and feelings of goodwill but the reality is that this tends to be the most stressful time of the year for most people. Financial pressures, increased workload, and family obligations can add to what is already a stressful existence for people and many are not even aware of how stressed they really are. There are a number of symptoms that may indicate an elevation in stress levels. The most common of these are:
Love is good for your heart
Valentine’s Day lovers have another reason to celebrate this year, as findings show that being in love and being loved helps to keep us healthy and are particularly good for our hearts.
Learn to overcome panic and anxiety
Panic attacks are terrifying and can happen without warning or reason. They are characterised by sudden fear and extreme nervousness along with the sense of going crazy or losing control.
'What are you worrying about?'
If you worry about global warming, come and cool down.
Helping people find solutions to the recession
Personal motivator Betty Cosgrave will give a free 90-minute talk on “Finding solutions in these challenging times” at the Radisson Hotel on Tuesday October 6 at 7pm.
Mayo Cancer Support
A church gate collection will take place at all Masses in the Castlebar district this weekend with proceeds going to Mayo Cancer Support Association, Rock Rose House.