Search Results for 'Paul Dolan'

19 results found.

Ballina Men's Shed to get a new home

The Ballina Men's Shed group will be getting a new home in the Estoria Building on Teeling Street in the town, it was agreed this week. The elected members of Ballina Municipal District approved the proposal at their reconvened June meeting on Wednesday.

New long term lease approved for Ballina childcare centre By Colm Gannon

A new long term lease of property in Bearndearg, Ballina, by Mayo County Council to Parkside Community Development Ltd, trading as Haven Community Childcare Centre, was agreed by the elected members of the Ballina Municipal District this week. The group has been operating the childcare centre for the past 10 years after being given an initial lease by Ballina Town Council, which was due to expire at the end of October this year.

Lack of work on Leigue Cemetery worrying councillors

Independent Ballina councillor Gerry Ginty said this week that he fears that a reduction of €5,000 in a grant given to The Friends of Leigue, who maintain Leigue Cemetery in the town, has led to no maintenance works being carried out on the cemetery yet this year.

€20k needed to fund take-over road in Foxford

Reape calls for traffic calming at Quay Lane in Ballina

Annie May Reape has called for some kind of traffic calming measures to be put in place at Quay Lane, Ballina. Cllr Reape put forward a motion at this week’s Ballina Municipal District Meeting, saying: “I do welcome the ongoing work at the junction at the top of the lane, but this is no longer a lane in my opinion, it’s more of a roadway. There are 33 to 34 houses and 20 children living there. It’s a de facto housing estate, houses on both sides of the road, and there is a lot of activity going on there. We need to have some way of making it safe for the residents who live there, so people can walk, drive, and children can play. Even signage would be appreciated. I’ve had a lot of representation from residents there. There was a time a number of years ago, there was four houses, now we’ve 30 or so.”

LIS is robbing Peter to pay Paul

“Are we robbing Peter to pay Paul?” asked Cllr Seamus Weir this week when the Ballina Electoral Area Committee was discussing the Local Improvement Scheme (LIS) part of the roadworks scheme for the area.

Staffing levels reaching ‘critical’ point at Mayo County Council

The nationwide embargo on the recruitment of public service workers has been in place for six years now and has seen staffing levels at Mayo County Council fall by 20 per cent.

Large number of estates in Ballina area still to be taken over

Twenty four of the 45 housing estates in the Ballina electoral area are still not under the control of Mayo County Council, a meeting of the electoral area committee was told this week.

Swinford coucillors have not allocated €60,000 for local road improvements

Half of the Notice of Motion allocation money for the Swinford area for local road improvements in 2012 had not been allocated as of Tuesday of this week, it has emerged. Each county councillor that sits on Mayo County Council is given an allocation, known as a Notice of Motion allocation for improvement works to be carried on specific local roads as dictated by them, each year by Mayo County Council. This years adopted Roadwork’s Scheme for Mayo County Council, saw each of the 31 councillors in Mayo get allocated €30,000 for these Notice of Motion allocations, which the councillors had already approved in the yearly budgetary process. The councillors also get a allocation of €27,500 of a special allocation for surface dressing each year, and also up to this year were given an allocation for local improvement scheme (LIS) for use on private roads of constituents, which was removed by the Government to much anger of elected councillors.

‘No hedge funds’ for trimming boundary fences

Farmers are responsible for the maintenance of their own boundary fences. That was the message loud and clear from the Swinford electoral area committee this week.

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