Search Results for 'Noise pollution'

30 results found.

The fast approach of the end of year

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The hammering noise from outside my window here in Eyre Square caught me by surprise; the Christmas Market starts tomorrow, the earliest it has ever been, and a reminder once again of how the year has been concertina-ed into what feels like six months.

Ongoing Athlone relief road noise pollution levels remain major concern for residents along route

Athlone-Moate Municipal District elected representatives will issue correspondence to the Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Deputy Jack Chambers, to ascertain which Government Department holds funding responsibility to ensure the reduction of noise levels on the Athlone relief road.

Installation of absorptive barriers essential to reducing Athlone bypass noise levels

ronan fagan

Majority leave festivals with ringing in their ears potentially damaging their future hearing

As the festival season comes to an end following the conclusion of Electric Picnic, research by Specsavers has revealed that 81 percent of festival goers admit they often leave such events with their ears ringing, which could be damaging to their hearing.

Troy implores immediate implementation of relief road noise mitigation measures

Mitigation measures aimed at reducing noise pollution on the Athlone relief road must be implemented without delay, local Fianna Fáil Deputy, Robert Troy, stated this week.

Athlone bypass noise levels having impact on local residents

The need to resurface the Athlone bypass road and reduce the noise levels which impact upon residents who live in close proximity to the route was afforded much detailed consideration at the recent sitting of the Athlone-Moate Municipal District (AMMD).

Town Mayor calls for survey to ascertain traffic noise levels

The ongoing concern pertaining to traffic noise levels to the rear of residential properties adjoining the Athlone relief road was a pertinent issue for discussion at a recent meeting of Athlone Moate Municipal District.

Silent Disco Street Party is back

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BEAT ON the street! Bop ‘till you drop! Sing ‘till you’re hoarse to the ripest musical fromage imaginable! It can only be the return of the now legendary Silent Disco Street Party.

‘Time for our higher politicians to start making noise’ on ring road says Larkin

Galway TDs and senators must crank up the pressure on the Government for the Galway ring road oral hearing, according to a Galway city councillor. Independent councillor Noel Larkin said everyone in favour of the ring road including interested groups, businesses, and organisations, as well as politicians, must come out in force to support the proposal.


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