Search Results for 'N6'

4 results found.

Ring Road circles election conversations around Galway city

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Although not designed to reduce traffic congestion within Galway city, a bypass or orbital road route at the edge of the city has become a rallying cry of commuters stuck in Galway city’s seemingly endless traffic jams. It will go from Coolagh to out past Furbo on the Coast Road via a new bridge near Menlo.

The traffic toll of Galway city continues to plague commuters

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Over the years, Galway has been the focus of national media for many positive reasons, from our bustling creative scene, our musical talent and beautiful scenery, however our most recent broadcast into homes across the country have been entirely for negative reasons.

Arcadia Athlone Retail Park complete COVID-19 traffic survey

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Located just off the motorway at Junction 11 on the M6/N6, Arcadia Athlone Retail Park management have, using data published by Transport Infrastructure Ireland(TII), undertaken analysis of traffic in Athlone during the Covid-19 crisis.

Galway is Ireland’s Carmageddon and capital of sprawl, author and journalist tells oral hearing

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Former Irish Times Environment correspondent Frank McDonald said that Galway was Ireland’s answer to Carmageddon, and likened it to Atlanta, America’s capital of sprawl, when he made a lengthy submission to the Galway City Ring Road oral hearing, which is being held at the g Hotel in the city.


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