Search Results for 'Job interview'
59 results found.
Early exit may have hurt my chances
Q: The interview was going fairly well, I felt. I had handled their queries well and had even managed to score some extra points based on the research I had done into the organisation. Sooner than I had anticipated, they asked me if I had any questions for them. I hadn’t, and took this question as the cue that they were wrapping things up. I made to leave, and they let me, replete with the usual ‘thank you and we will be in touch’ palaver: it was only afterwards I realised that maybe they had more questions to ask me. Was I premature in my departure? In fairness, they did get in touch – a Dear John, alas. (GP, email).
Knowing about the place where you want to work
Q: I felt I was going grand in a recent job interview – I had dealt comfortably with all the questions about my CV, my training and strengths. But I stumbled badly at the end when they asked me what I knew about the company. The truth was I knew very little: I had a look at their website but I found it very technical. Plus I don’t know anyone working there. I took a bit of a guess about one product they have – and got it wrong. I didn’t get the job. Even though I know I did poorly, I’m not sure how I could have prepared any better for this question in the circumstances. Any pointers? (GMcC, email).
A second chance to make a lasting impression
Q: I’ve just been called for a second interview for a job. I’ve a lot of experience in the sector, and know I’d be a good fit for the position. I felt I did very well in the first interview and am now just wondering what more I can do second time around. Any thoughts? (LR, email)
Get real by teasing out the job in question
Q: I am going for a job interview next week that could prove tricky. It’s a new position within our organisation – we’re a charity – and while they have outlined a job spec, there are still a million and one unanswered questions in terms of how the job will pan out. Is it permissible to put questions to the interview panel to help me clarify a few key points? (LT, email).
Your Career, Your Choices
Q: I am going for a job in a company that’s undergoing significant changes right now. It’s a well-known company in a sector that is currently in a state of flux due to technological changes. Like many others, I am fascinated to find out what plans the company has to keep themselves relevant and profitable in the future. Would it be permissible for me to ask some questions about those plans in the job interview? (HR, email)
Eight tips for job interviews
— Think and talk through beforehand what you’d like to say, but avoid any temptation to learn answers off by rote. Rehearsed answers will lack passion and authenticity, and create a new pressure for you on the day as you try to remember what you’ve learned. Trust that your natural flow will click in and serve you much better than learning off your answers.
Rude employer yawned during my interview
Q: I did a job interview last week. Two of the interview panel were fine, but one of them was downright rude. If he wasn’t looking out the window, he was tapping his biro on the desk. I’m pretty sure I caught him suppressing a yawn at some stage. I nearly asked him if he didn’t mind concentrating, but I resisted the temptation. I got the Dear John letter two days later. I regret now not giving him a piece of my mind. (Mary, email).
Learning the ropes for job interviews

Job interviews are not unlike boxing matches: you can have all the plans and strategies you want, all the shapes and all the moves, the slides to the side and the dummies, but you have to remember that there is somebody else in the ring too.
It’s only natural
An actor was asked what he thought about acting.