Mayo Genealogy Group
If you have an interest in finding out about your family history go along for free practical tips with the Mayo Genealogy Group. No booking is required. New researchers are welcome. The next meeting of the group will take place tomorrow, April 9 from 11.30am to 1pm.
Knitting and crochet circle
Whether you are an enthusiast or a beginner, come along and join the group to share skills and patterns as well as a bit of craic. Beginners are welcome. No booking is required. The next circle will meet on Friday April 15 from 2.30pm to 3.30pm.
Finding your American Family
Join historical archaeologist Deb Rotman (Fullbright US Scholar, University of Notre Dame ) on Saturday April 16 to learn more about researching your American relatives. Discover the resources available, how genealogical records are organised in the US. Plus get tips and tricks for navigating American archives. This event will take place from 2.30pm to 3.30pm and booking is required. For more information call (094 ) 9031751 or email
May blossoms
Celebrate the coming of summer with this creative workshop with Pat Youell on Wednesday April 20 from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Fashion fabulous textile blooms for the Mythical Meanderings Woodland Trail at Feile na Tuaithe 2016. Booking is required call (094 ) 9031751 or email
Rising in the West: 1916 preparation and aftermath in Mayo
While the Rising was largely confined to Dublin, preparation of volunteers in anticipation of a rebellion was no less intense in the provinces. Join historian Noel Campbell as he explores the 1916 Rising from a Mayo perspective. How close did Mayo come to revolution and how did the Rising shape Mayo’s future? For more information call (094 ) 9031751 or email