Give blood
The Irish Blood Transfusion Service will be holding a blood donor clinic in The Castlecourt Hotel, Westport on Tuesday, November 17, Wednesday, November 18 and Thursday, November 19 from 5pm to 8.30pm each day.
Supporting those bereaved by suicide
The Family Centre at Chapel Street, Castlebar, is providing a one day training event for those who support people affected by suicide. The training will take place on Saturday November 14 starting at 10.30am. It is particularly suitable for counsellors, mental health staff, medical and nursing staff, and similar professionals . The presenter of the training is Máire Ní Dhomhnaill. Ms Ní Dhomhnaill is the counsellor responsible for the Mayo Suicide Bereavement Liaison service for the past four years and is very experienced in this area of work. Booking essential at (094 ) 9025900.
Medjugorje pilgrimage
A pilgrimage to Medjugorje will take place from August 17 to August 24, 2016. The spiritual director for the pilgrimage is Fr Michael Treacey. The tickets cost €579 each if purchased and paid for in full by December 11 (a saving of €100 per ticket ). The flight is from Ireland Airport West Knock to Split. Accommodation is at the Dubrovnik Hotel, across the road from St James's Church. For details contact Bernard at (094 ) 9543072.
Garrymore GAA Mass for deceased members
November Mass for the deceased members of Garrymore GAA Club will take place on Tuesday November 24 at 8pm in Garrymore Hall.
IRD Kiltimagh AGM
The annual general meeting of IRD Kiltimagh Ltd will take place at Cairn International Trade Centre, Swinford Road, Kiltimagh, on Monday November 16 at 8pm.
Claremorris Macra
Claremorris Macra is holding its next meeting on Friday November 20 at 9pm in Maxwells, Claremorris. New members are always welcome. Night at the Dogs and Christmas party will be discussed. Membership is just €25 for first time members.
Mayo Beekeepers
The Mayo Beekeepers Association will hold its Annual Honey Show on Saturday November 21 in the Dock Bar in the Courthouse Hotel. Entries will be taken in from 1pm. Judging will take place at 3pm. When the judging has taken place there will be a presentation to the general public by one of Ireland’s most respected beekeepers, Gerry Ryan. All are welcome, from seasoned beekeepers to those wishing to learn more about beekeeping and honey. There will be some great spot prizes and some local honey for sale. The association would like to thank its sponsors. Without their continued support this event would not be possible.
Mayo Rape Crisis Centre in need of help
Mayo Rape Crisis Centre has reduced its outreach service as a result of diminished funds. Castlebar Soroptimist Club is responding by organising a fashion show in Breaffy House on Friday November 20. Tickets are €35 which will include a meal and glass of wine, fashion, fun, music and disco. Tickets are available at Exclusive Fabrics, Main Street, Castlebar, or ring (087 ) 610 8144 for further information.
ISPCC volunteering opportunities
ISPCC Mayo will be recruiting for two volunteer roles in 2016: Childline and ISPCC mentors. ISPCC Childline volunteers are trained to listen and support children and young people via phone, web and text. It is looking for volunteers who are child-centred and believe in listening to children in a non-judgmental way. You need to be able to commit to one four-hour shift per week. It will be holding two upcoming group interview and information sessions. The dates are: Thursday November 19 from 6.30pm to 8pm and Wednesday December 9 from 6.30pm to 8pm. If you would like to attend either of the upcoming dates for the group interview and information session email or call (094 ) 9025254 to confirm attendance so that it can hold a place for you. Please note that it will not be able to hold a place for you unless you have confirmed.
Mayo Organic Group
Mayo Organic Group, the only pro-am special interest organic group in Ireland, will be welcoming falconer Jason Deasy and his little owl to their November meeting on Thursday November 19 at 8pm, in the Bishop O'Healy Centre in Mayo Abbey. Deasy will be talking about the importance of birds of prey in farming. This meeting is open to non-members, but for catering purposes, it would be appreciated if you could register your intent to attend by emailing, or by calling Cleo at (085 ) 1754916. Coffee, tea, home-backed cake will be included, as well as a charity raffle, to benefit Irish Seed Savers. December's social meeting will take place in Curam, Claremorris, on Thursday December 10, with a floral demonstration using natural materials, from Tracey Earl of Tracey's Floral Workshops. Mulled wine, cake and mince pies to celebrate the growing year, and the year ahead.
Attention parents of Leaving Cert students
A seminar for parents of Leaving Certificate students will be held in the Curam centre on Wednesday November 25 at 8pm. Facilitated by guidance counsellor Deirdre Connaughton, the workshop will provide general information on the CAO and PLC processes and explore how parents can support and guide their students in their future career and college choices.
Christmas fete in Newport
Newport Red Cross will host a Christmas fete in hotel Newport on Sunday, December 13 from 2pm to 6pm. Santa will be guest of honour on the day. There will be lots of stalls with lots of goodies.
Mistletoe Ball for hospice
The Mistletoe Ball in aid of Mayo Roscommon Hospice takes place in Breaffy House Resort Castlebar on Saturday December 12. Doors open at 7.30pm with champagne and mulled wine reception. It promises to be a great fun packed night with entertainment to suit all ages, special guests, surprise performers, great food, auction, raffle with super prizes, giveaways, and lots more. Go along and treat yourself and see a spectacular event unfold while supporting local palliative care services. Contact (094 ) 938866.
Anam Cara information evening
Anam Cara, the national organisation that provides support services to bereaved parents and families, is hosting a bereavement information evening in the Harlequin Hotel, Castlebar, on Thursday November 19 from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. This event gives parents an opportunity to hear an experienced bereavement professional talk about the many challenges families may face after the death of their son or daughter. Please note this event is open to all bereaved parents, regardless of the age of their child or the circumstances of their death, and is provided free of charge to parents. There will be time on the evening for questions and to talk with other bereaved parents. Anam Cara will need to confirm numbers for this event. It would appreciate if you could RSVP to before Wednesday November 18 or contact it on (01 ) 4045378 or (087 ) 9637790.
Castlebar Winter Markets
The market in Castlebar Tennis Club continues every Friday morning 9am to 2pm. See a large selection of home grown vegetables, fresh home cooked food, locally handmade arts, crafts, and jewellery. Have a tea or coffee on the day, for more information call (087 ) 1622177.
Senior alert scheme
Are you in fear of falling, being attacked or broken into in your own home? Are you over 65 and living alone, or with another person over 65 and living in Ballina/surrounding areas? If so you could be entitled to a free personal alarm panic button (monitoring fees apply ). For more information ring (096 ) 75573.
Mayo Branch of Arthritis Ireland
The walking group will take place on Wednesday evenings at 6.15pm in Castlebar Tennis Club, for more information call Tarragh on (087 ) 6471919 to register, adapted seated exercise classes will take place on Thursdays in Castlebar Tennis Club at 7pm. For more information call (086 ) 0657315.
Conference on faith and the environment
Knock Shrine is holding a day conference with leading thinker and writer in the field of eco-theology, Fr Sean McDonagh SSC, on Saturday November 14. The conference will explore Pope Francis’ writings in his ground breaking Encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home. Fr McDonagh is known around the world for his work to promote environmental justice and sustainable development and he advised the Vatican on the first draft of Laudato Si’. To book telephone (094 ) 9375321 or (087 ) 6927850. Email
Belmullet bingo
On Sunday November 15 in the Broadhaven Bay Hotel there will be monster bingo event. Bingo will get under way at 8pm and there is a €4,000 pay-out.
Interview skills training workshop
This one day workshop is designed for unemployed people who may be going for their first interview, have not had an interview in years, or simply want to improve their interview skills. The workshop will help participants improve their confidence and reduce anxiety associated with interviewing, know how to answer interview questions with relevant and effective answers, and provide the key skills necessary to excel in future interviews. Training will be held in Swinford on Thursday November 26. The course is free to unemployed people. Places are limited and early booking is advised. To register for the training contact Dolores McNicholas at (087 ) 7704251 or email
Payroll course in Belmullet
Mayo North East plans on delivering a Manual and Computerised Payroll Award – QQI Level 5 in Belmullet. It will run for four days on Mondays November 16 and 30, and Thursdays November 3 and 10. This course is free of charge to job seekers and is funded by Mayo North East through the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme. If you are interested in this training or wish to avail of any of the other services contact Niamh on (087 ) 6662340 by Monday November 2.
25 card drive
Fahy National School board of management will be holding a fundraising 25 card drive in aid of the school in Fahy NS on Sunday November 22 at 8pm.