Applications for €494k Ballina discretionary funding to open

Advertisements will be placed next week to invite applications from groups and organisations in the Ballina Municipal District to apply for funding from the district under its discretionary fund. A total of €494,175 will be made available from the fund this year.

Outlining the item to the elected members of the Ballina Municipal District, this week Paul Benson, director of services for Mayo County Council, told the members: “There is €494,175 in the discretionary fund which is up to the councillors how to spend it. What is proposed to happen is that from next week, adverts will be placed inviting applications for funding from different groups for 2015. The likes of burial grounds committees, residents’ associations, clubs and sporting organisations. All those applications will be received in this office and assessed and will be decided on. There are certain things we have funded over the years that we consider a priority, and they will be coming off the top we would recommend. But ultimately it’s your decisions.”

He went on to tell the members: “Of the funding, €160,000 has come from the roads budget and we would recommend as much of that as possible and we would suggest €120,000 would go back into specific roadwork projects you identify and not given out as cash grants, but ultimately the decision is with you.”


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