Mayo man learns from the Domestic Divas

Mayo man Liam Heffernan features in the final episode of Domestic Divas on Tuesday next October 7. Domestic Divas is a six part series on RTÉ One. In the episode presenters Aisli Madden and Cat Lawlor get their hands on single guy Liam Heffernan from near Castlebar. He is looking for help with getting fit, making delicious protein rich vegetarian food, and maybe even finding love.

Aisli and Cat meet Liam in his new home in Mayo, a home he has dedicated to making as eco-friendly and self-sufficient as possible. But the Divas remind Liam that he should also be putting the same time and effort into looking after himself. They set him up with a sustainable get fit routine with the help of rugby legend Shane Byrne, they give him ideas for delicious vegetarian cooking that does not revolve around spuds and cabbage, and teach him a thing or two about putting his best foot forward with a trip to Louis Copeland. Will Liam accept the Divas’ changes? Tune in to RTÉ One on Tuesday at 8.30pm to find out. The series has seen Aisli and Cat head out on a mission to help the helpless, to demonstrate basic life skills that came so naturally to our parent’s generation and not so easily to 20 to 30 somethings.


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