What is your earliest memory?

Getting my favourite rag doll Molly from Woolworths, and she's still going strong!

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

A never-ending supply of chocolate.

Which talent would you most like to have and why?

I would love to be more musical, because who doesn't love a good sing song?

What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

Don't take life too seriously and make the most of every opportunity.

Which person do you most admire and why?

My twin brother Sean for his brains and ambition.

Sum yourself up in four words.

Considerate, chatty, friendly and caring.

Where and when was your most enjoyable holiday?

Portugal with my mum's family around my 18th birthday - we had great craic!

What is the best thing about Mayo?

Love all of the loop walks we have in Mayo, especially forest trails.

What is your greatest extravagance?

My car.

What is your favourite film and why?

The Wedding Date, I'm a sucker for a rom com.

What was the last book you read?

The Flat Share by Beth O Leary.

What are your two favourite songs and why?

Couldn't possibly pick two, I love music so much.

What makes you laugh?

Friends, family and dog reels on instagram.

What annoys you most?

Impatient drivers who beep their horns unnecessarily.

What is your worst habit?

Leaving my keys inside the front door and locking my partner out.

What is your greatest treasure?

My friends and family.

How do you relax outside of work?

I love listening to music and going for walks.

Who would be your three ideal dinner party guests and why?

James Arthur, Camila Cabello and Alf Stewart, bit of a mix but could be fun.

What is your favourite saying or motto?

Life is a journey, the best is yet to come.

What is your goal in life?

No.1 goal is to be happy!

Any particular project or dream you are working on right now?

Winning the lottery - any day now!

How do you feel about your hometown of Castlebar and how would you like to see it develop?

Castlebar is a vibrant town and has lots to offer - I'm proud to call it my home.

Niamh Walsh, barista, is from Castlebar, and has been making coffee for almost 10 years now and loves meeting and getting to know new people. When not working in The Creel in Castlebar, Niamh enjoys spending time with friends and family.


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