Two Mayo Vincent's charity shops win awards in SVP national competition

Two Vincent’s charity shops in Mayo have won awards in the Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP ) national retail competition.

Vincent’s Ballina won the best Window Display competition in the West region (Mayo, Galway and Roscommon ). The second award went to Breege Heneghan a volunteer with Vincent’s Claremorris. She won Volunteer of the Year in the Region. She has been a volunteer for nine years.

The nomination for her said: "She is such an amazing woman who always puts others first, and has given her life to make sure she does all that she can to help everyone, through her love of everything that St Vincent de Paul stands for."

The awards presentation followed a one-day conference in Derry late June which discussed how retail can be community based, help reduce poverty and operate in a real sustainable manner.

There are over 234 SVP shops throughout Ireland, trading under the ‘Vincent's’ name. Vincent’s shops are a hugely important aspect of the service SVP provides to those who seek its assistance.

Not only do the shops provide goods at affordable prices and help reconnect people, disconnected by poverty, they also provide an income source for the Society, which is directed back into the local communities. Vincent’s are also committed to the concept of Reduce, Reuse and recycling 97% of donated items.


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