Castlebar Municipal District Briefs

The February meeting of the Castlebr Muncipal District took place this week. 

Call for crossing in Ballyheane

Fianna Fáil councillor Al McDonnell has requested that a pedestrian crossing be installed in the village of Ballyheane on the N84. Cllr McDonnell, speaking at the February meeting of the Castlebar Municipal District, said that the village had a very busy national school which was located on one side of the road and the other community facilities such as sporting fields were located on the other side of the road along with other amenities and a crossing was needed.

Deere calls for safety works for lakeside castle

Fine Gael councillor Ger Deere has called on Mayo County Council to take action to protect the ruins of the castle on the shores of Lough Lannagh in Castlebar. Speaking at the February meeting of the municipal district this week, he said that he feared the ruins were becoming a danger to the public, with the walls being in poor condition and could possibly collapse. He went on to say he thinks the council should fence it off and go about getting repairs done to make it safe before going on to suggest that once that was done, it should be floodlit and have a plaque put in place that outlines its history.

House purchases a start but more to do says Kilcoyne

There was full approval from elected members of the Castlebar Municipal District to the news that the council had purchased a number of housing units in the town. Cllr Michael Kilcoyne said: "I'm pleased to see the council have acquired a number of housing units there in Ellison Street and Lower Charles Street for 16 units, but really where is the other 100? 16 is a start but it not going to get rid of all the derelict buildings and house all the people. It's a start and to quote Charlie Haughey, a lot done, a lot more to do."

Councillor angered at driving licence centre being closed to walk-ins

A number of councillors at the February Castlebar Municipal District meeting expressed their anger at the revelation that the walk-in service at the National Driving Licence Service office in the town will no longer be offered. Cllr Michael Kilcoyne said, "Like all government departments, it seems that they don't know that there are people in Mayo and it's not sure that they know that West Mayo exists, and that there are people who don't have broadband and can't get their licence online. This is only one step away from closing that office completely, because people who are working inside can do that work from anywhere in the world and they will decide in a short period of time to close that office altogether and all these jobs will be gone."

Ballintubber road sign needs to be removed

Fianna Fáil councillor Al McDonnell has made a call for a national roads sign in Ballintubber to be removed, for road safety reasons. Speaking at the February meeting of the Castlebar Municipal District, Cllr McDonnell told members: "In Ballintubber at the store, when you come from Killawalla and you view from the left, right and straight across, your view to the left is obstructed by a permanent national roads sign on the left hand side; it needs to be removed - the one thing you need is full visibility there."


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