Maureen Gallagher: Maureen’s Health Academy

Women in Business

Who would have believed two years ago how the world would change so drastically! Change it did though. For those of us in business, it was an extremely tough time.

For me I had two options: Close my doors or try online! So online it was! Did it work? It certainly did. It gave people something to focus on during tough times. It helped them get fitter and more healthy. It gave a purpose! So, now I offer both an online and actual class option, so wherever you are in the world, I can work with you.

At Maureen's Health Academy I have an easy-to-follow, healthy plan! I work one-to-one with the client and offer full support! I'm a firm believer in the connection between a healthy diet/lifestyle and a healthy body and mind. Don't underestimate the power of good food and some exercise.

There are so many fad diets out there that offer short-term results but I want to educate people about the food they eat so they can make better choices for themselves. If you are looking to change your lifestyle, then contact me at the following: Mobile 0863132340 Facebook Maureen's Health Academy and also on Instagram.

I also recently launched my new website which I'm delighted with! Classes are Belmullet Wednesdays IWA Centre in Logmore; Crossmolina Thursdays 4.30pm to 6.30pm in the Civic Centre.


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