€45K in Biodiversity projects for County Mayo - Dillon

Mayo Fine Gael TD Alan Dillon has welcomed €45,418 funding for Biodiversity projects in County Mayo to supports actions for biodiversity in local areas.

Deputy Dillon said: "There is good news for nature in County Mayo. Community-level action is so important, and the initiatives provided for through this grant demonstrate the scale and breadth of interest in biodiversity and the natural world across the county. I look forward to getting out and visiting them over the coming year. 70 Biodiversity Projects around the country have been announced today, totalling €789,785, ranging from pollinator-friendly projects to Biodiversity Action Plans; flora, fauna and Green Space surveys to sand dune restoration; and wetland surveys to radio awareness campaigns.

"All projects supported by the Scheme range from those that aim to increase appreciation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Alongside these, some €391,000 in Department funding is going to 31 individual Invasive Alien Species Projects tackling species such as hogweed, Himalayan Balsam, Japanese Knotweed, American Skunk Cabbage and Rhododendron. T

"he successful Mayo projects are as follows: (1 ) Mayo Wetland Survey - Approximately 900 wetland sites will be mapped – €23,616; (2 ) Survey and map the locations of Himalayan Balsam along the banks of the Castlebar River/Lough Lannagh river using Mayo County Council’s Invasive Species Recording App – €14,349 and (3 ) Citizen science and strategic survey to assess the status and breeding performance of Barn Owls in Mayo and to identify their conservation requirements – €7,453.

"The funding will assist local authority biodiversity officers (and heritage officers in local authorities without a biodiversity officer ). All projects to receive funding promote actions contained in the National Biodiversity Action Plan (NBAP ) 2017-2021. This year the funding of €1.35m is double that of 2020."


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