News in Brief - Around the county

Whats been going on around the county? 

Urgent call for return of 2020 salmon and sea trout logbooks 

Inland Fisheries Ireland is requesting all salmon and sea trout anglers who have not returned last season's (2020 ) angling logbook and unused gill tags, to do so immediately. The logbooks and unused gill tags are necessary to provide vital data to make evidence-based decisions on Ireland’s wild Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout stocks into the future. In accordance with the Wild Salmon and Sea Trout Tagging Scheme, anglers are required by law to return their completed logbook (setting out their fishing and catch record ), and all unused tags, to the issuing office of Inland Fisheries Ireland within seven days of licence expiry and no later than October 19, annually. The return of logbooks and tags can be done via the ‘prepaid postage return envelope’ which was supplied at the time of license purchase. In the absence of the prepaid postage return envelope, anglers can return their completed logbook and unused tags to the Inland Fisheries Ireland office, as addressed on their licence/logbook. Alternatively, scanned logbooks and licences may be emailed to

Ring calls on Mayo County Council and all councils to open up public toilets 

Michael Ring TD has called on Mayo County Council and all local authorities to open up public toilet facilities. "Now that lockdown has been lifted to movement within counties, it is vital that public facilities in our towns and at our amenities are opened", said Deputy Ring, adding: "I wish to compliment the service stations around the country who opened up their facilities and made them available. I want to compliment them as they are frontline workers as well and I want to thank them for keeping their facilities open. The State did not show any leadership on this matter by closing down public toilets. To me, this was wrong. I am calling on the State and on local authorities to immediately open up all public toilets, particularly with the easing of restrictions. It is terrible for people who are travelling in the county, yet there are no public toilets available. As we are being advised that being outdoors is safer, public toilets should never have been closed as they are essential. The toilets should be opened and left open."

Covid-19 Testing Site in McHale Park Castlebar moving for the weekend 

HSE Community Healthcare West wish to bring to your attention that the Covid-19 Testing Centre at McHale Park, Castlebar, will not be available for Covid Testing over the May Bank Holiday weekend. They will be setting up a COVID-19 Testing Centre at Mayo County Clinic, Westport Road, Castlebar, Eircode: F23 XK72 - for operation from Saturday May 1 to Monday May 3 inclusive.

€15 million ‘Additional Outdoor Infrastructure Fund' - Dillon 

Fine Gael TD Alan Dillon, spokesperson on Tourism and Sport, has welcomed the announcement of a new €15 million ‘Additional Outdoor Infrastructure Fund’ to help ensure a safe outdoor summer. Deputy Dillon said: "The funding will support local authorities in enhancing outdoor urban space and improving walking and cycling infrastructure. This will assist the safe outdoor re-opening of society as Ireland gradually moves from current COVID-19 public health restrictions. Local authorities are invited to apply under the funding stream for short term measures which will help create safe outdoor urban spaces for the public. The measures will need to be quickly implemented and provide areas in villages, towns, and cities where people can walk, cycle and gather outdoors, while practicing social distancing. The funding will allow for changes to traffic management arrangements to facilitate the reallocation of road space to improve facilities and safety for urban pedestrians and cyclists. Examples of projects eligible for funding include: (1 ) Street pedestrianisation measures; (2 ) Reallocation of road and street space, using footpath extensions, bollards, public seating etc; (3 ) Traffic management arrangements and (4 ) Other minor improvements. The fund will also complement other Government initiatives such as Fáilte Ireland’s new €17 million Outdoor Dining Enhancement Investment Scheme and the €14 million Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Fund for areas outside cities and towns/villages, recently launched by the Department of Rural and Community Development. The Additional Outdoor Infrastructure Fund will be administered by the National Transport Authority (NTA ) as part of its overall national funding programme. A circular has issued to all local authorities with information on how to apply to the programme with allocations announced in the coming weeks.

Ring queries progress on Murrisk Community Water Connection 

Michael Ring TD has questioned the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, in the Dáil, regarding progress on the Murrisk Community Water Connection. Deputy Ring stated: "I have been informed by the Minister as follows: 'My Department received a submission from Mayo County Council on February 22, 2021, in relation to the Murrisk Community Water Connection. Arising from my Department's examination of the submission, the local authority have been asked to consider further the details of the estimated costs of the project. My Department understands from the local authority that it will be a number of weeks before they are in a position to make a further submission, as they await a reply regarding a pre-connection enquiry made by them to Irish Water. The updated submission will then allow the level of funding from my Department to be decided. Once my Department receive the updated submission, it will be examined as quickly as possible.”

Dillon welcomes Extension for St Anthony’s Special School 

Fine Gael TD, Alan Dillon, has welcomed confirmation that the proposed extension for St Anthony’s Special School in Castlebar, has moved to tender. Works will include construction of a new single storey extension within the school site. The block will include 2 x Safe Classroom Bases and En-Suites, 2 x Safe Spaces Para-Education Room, Storage, Assisted WC and Shower, Cleaner’s Store & Sluice Room and Circulation. The development will also include minor refurbishment works to the existing building and all associated site works and connections to existing services. While increasing overall capacity for St Anthony’s Special School, it is also very welcome news that additional special education infrastructure will be provided in the Castlebar area, said Deputy Dillon, adding: “The approval of this new extension for St Anthony’s Special School in Castlebar is very welcome for the 50 pupils and staff using the school. It has now moved to the tendering process for construction, and one step closer to beginning work on the project. This is the eighth project approved for Mayo by the Department of Education in 2021. All of these investments in our educational facilities around Mayo create additional capacity for pupils and better teaching environments. In recent months, I have been strongly prioritising shovel-ready projects. Getting these labour-intensive projects off the ground is key to providing local economic growth and jobs around Mayo. I look forward to the building works commencing at St Anthony’s Special School in the weeks ahead and wish all those tendering the very best."

Submission made for Murrisk water scheme funding

Mayo County Council has reported that it submitted a report and revised request for funding to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, for the proposed Murrisk Community Water Connection (CWC ), in February of this year. The proposed CWC would supply over 600 houses with drinking water and has an estimated cost of just under €6,000,000.

10 homeless presentations last month to MCC

Mayo County Council had 10 homeless presentations last month - according to the council's management report, which was put before elected members at their April meeting this week.

Water improvement schemes commenced

A number of network upgrades on group water schemes are now under way, according to the management report put before the elected members of Mayo County Council at their April meeting this week. The total value of the the three schemes is €400,000. A €300,000 network upgrade has commenced on the Glencorrib Group Water Scheme. A network upgrade project to the value of €100,000 has commenced on the Loughnamon GWS to allow for connection to the public water mains and to be taken in Charge by Irish Water; and a network upgrade project to the value of €80,000 has been completed on the Drum / Binghamstown Group Water Scheme.

Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme

The latest Mayo County Council management report has shown that to date, under the Defective Concrete Block Grant Scheme, a total of 79 Stage 1 Confirmation of Eligibility Applications have been received, 70 Stage 1 Confirmation of Eligibility Approvals issued, and eight Stage 2 Grant Approval applications received.

Funding sought for Cloonmore/Cloonlavish GWS

Last month Mayo County Council submitted a report to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, requesting revised funding of €1,544,757 to complete a network upgrade to Cloonmoore / Cloonlavish Group Water Scheme to allow connection to the public mains and to be taken in Charge by Irish Water - according to the council's latest management report, which was put before the elected members at their April meeting this week.

Housing deliveries by council last month

The latest Mayo County Council management update has shown that in March 2021, 20 houses were delivered under the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP ) scheme and three houses were delivered under the Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS ). This gives a total of 2,168 active households supported by RAS and HAP in Mayo at the end of March 2021. Also in March, two houses were delivered under Long Term Leasing (LTL ). This give a total of 260 households supported under the leasing programme in Mayo.

Design work underway on Island playground

In the latest Mayo County Council Management Update, elected members were informed that design work is to get underway on the Inishturk playground - which has approved LEADER funding.

€55,000 under Covid Emergency Funding Round Two

Allocations have been made under the Covid Emergency Fund round 2. A total of €55,000 has been allocated to groups to adapt their services and operations 'to fit the new Covid-19 reality and to become more involved in the Government's Keep Well campaign', according to Mayo County Council's latest management report.

26 FOI requests to MCC so far this year

Mayo County Council has received 26 Freedom of Information Requests (FOI ) so far this year, with six submitted in January, eight in February and 12 in March, according to the council's latest management report.

Nine public liability claims to council last month

Mayo County Council's latest management update has shown that the council received nine public liability claims in the month of March.

134 planning applications received last month

Mayo County Council received 134 planning applications in March, according to its latest management report. The council made 90 decisions to grant and four decisions to refuse, during the month. The council currently has 180 applications on hand and 31 pre-planning applications and two of their decisions have been appealed to An Bord Pleanala.


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