Dillon highlights importance of Urban Regeneration funding for Mayo

Fine Gael TD, Alan Dillon, has ramped-up pressure on the prioritisation of the two projects to be awarded funding from the soon to be announced Urban Regeneration and Development Fund.

The Castlebar Military Barracks and Castlebar Historic Core will offer a significant benefit to the county town and must be prioritised according to Deputy Dillon. The assessment of projects was due to be concluded by the end of 2020 and a funding announcement is expected in the very near future.

Deputy Dillon said: "The Castlebar Military Barracks project will allow for the regeneration and reuse of a landmark building located very close to the town centre.

"This project will consist of major enhancements to the area including the connections with the Mall and Greenway, as well as the restoration of all historic buildings including the billet blocks and gatehouse.

"The concept will be to transform the former Military Barracks in Castlebar into an inspiring Civic space, visitor attraction and centre of excellence in sustainable energy and creative industries.

"The newly regenerated space will have the potential to improve enterprise facilities for creative industries in the county, as well as provide a much-needed all-weather venue for festivals, events and local markets. Once up and running, the new Barracks and surrounding areas will provide a valuable contribution to the community and social fabric of Castlebar.

"The Castlebar Historic Core is a mechanism designed to stimulate and redress vacant deterioration of historic properties that frame The Mall - Castlebar’s Historic Urban Core.

"If approved, the funding will allow for repurposing the former Daly’s (Imperial ) Hotel as an Innovation Hub and rejuvenate this dominating building facing onto The Mall.

"Another part of the project will include repurposing the former Castlebar Post Office as a Community Youth Resource Centre. The remaining buildings will be considered in urban masterplans to address dereliction and vacant properties in the area."

Deputy Dillon concluded: "It is my understanding that funding for the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund will be announced in the very near future as the projects were due to assessed by the end of 2020.

"I most recently questioned the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien, TD, on the status of the funding before the Dáil rose for Christmas. I

"have also emphasised the importance of these projects with the Minister of State for Local Government and Planning, Peter Burke, TD. They are fully aware of the high-impact and potential these projects would have on Castlebar as the county town."


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