How to show the results of your workplace contribution in job interviews

Continuing our series on the START method, this week we come to Results. As you will know from the previous columns, START stands for Situation, Task, Action(s ), Result(s ) and Them.

The START method is a storytelling format to allow you perform better in competency-based job interviews. In Situation, you let the interview panel know where you were working or studying at the time. In Task you outlined the high-level goal you were trying to achieve. And in Actions, you told them what you did to achieve those goals.

Next as you tell your stories, you come to Results. Results show that what you did had an impact. You did five things to, for example, develop a better operational system within your department.

Where is the proof that they worked? The proof lies in the Results. A typical result might be “thanks to the methods we employed, we shaved two hours off the production time each week, saving the company money and generating improved morale among staff.”

Where possible quantify the results. Use euros, hours saved, number of people redeployed, new markets penetrated – in short, anything that an interview panel can get their teeth into. Without results, how can we be convinced that your stories had a positive impact?

Yes, it can be difficult to even think about the actual result of your input, but you must try to do this. This is where the gold lies.

Was profitability enhanced? As a result of what you did, were the company able to launch a new product line? Did the sports team you were managing win a title? Did the parents or the players relate to you how much more they enjoyed their sport because of your intervention?

Did the company win an award? Did you win one? Did the boss praise you?

The result can lie in a variety of places. However, you must decide which evidence offers the best result in each of your stories. Be strong on this. And if you find that the result was somewhat underwhelming, you’ve picked the wrong story to relay your competency. Select stories with positive results.

As I often say here, stand in the shoes of the interview panel. After you’ve devoted a few minutes to telling your story, give an impressive result that they will remember after you leave the room.

This will require you to think long and hard about your answers as you prepare for an upcoming interview. We can take for granted the results or we can struggle to identify them.

But stick at it. Go back to a time before you did what you did. What did things look like then? How many hours did the process take then? What markets was the company in?

Then you will be able to see the value of what you did more clearly. COVID-19 may well offer some story opportunities for you because it has been such a time of change. Whatever stories you tell, make sure to give the results.

Next week, we conclude this five-part series with the Them part, an addition to the STAR method that we at Slí Nua Careers have pioneered. To get all five articles in the series, email with the word START in the subject line.

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