I combined my scientific career with natural medicine and founded my own company

Dr Suraya Diaz, CNM graduate in nutrition, naturopathy, and herbal medicine recounts her hugely successful fusion of scientific research and natural medicine

I graduated from CNM in nutrition, naturopathy, and herbal medicine. CNM was my first college of choice because it provided a comprehensive academic programme with practical hands-on clinic experience, while allowing me to complete it while working full-time as a post-doctoral researcher. Also, CNM courses are recognised and accredited internationally.

During my years in medical research (I completed a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology and did research in prestigious institutions, such as the Francis Crick Institute in the UK ), I realised that good health and wellbeing are influenced by diet, lifestyle, and environment, and I decided to combine my scientific career with natural medicine. My CNM studies were enlightening and groundbreaking, opened my eyes to a different approach to health, and gave me the opportunity to make life-long friends.

I have now founded my own company — Dr Suraya Diaz, Committed to Health — offering consultancy services in nutrition, naturopathy, and herbal medicine, and manufacturing the first and largest organic-certified Irish herbal and cosmetics products range. My goal for the company is to become the first name for premium quality services and products, while contributing to a healthier and sustainable future. And being a people person, consultancy gives me a wonderful opportunity to help people on a one-to-one basis. There is no nicer feeling than seeing someone’s life change for the better.

CNM is an excellent platform, whether you want to acquire invaluable skills and knowledge to improve your own health and the health of others or, indeed, if you want to follow a similar path to mine and start your own business.

Change career. Gain new skills. Help others. Become a nutritional therapist. Study in class or online.

CNM has a 20-year track record training successful health practitioners. Attend the next free CNM open event in Galway — to book call 01 878 8060 or see naturopathy.ie


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