Irritated eyes, a runny nose, and sleep deprivation - welcome to hayfever season

With the summer holidays upon us and more Irish people staycationing in Ireland, it is so important that people equip themselves with the right information and solutions to take control of hayfever and manage symptoms.

Paula Reilly, pharmacist with Boots Ireland has some top tips to help keep hayfever symptoms at bay:

Stay on top of pollen by vacuuming and damp dusting to stop pollen settling and spreading.

Use an allergy barrier to get on top of hayfever before it begins.

Try rubbing a small amount of petroleum jelly inside your lower nostril to stop pollen entering the nasal passage.

Reduce airborne allergens at home and use a humidifier, as moist air will catch particles.

If you have been out and about, change your clothes and even shower to remove pollen and avoid spreading it.

A pair of wraparound sunglasses is a great way to keep pollen out of your eyes.

If you are driving keep your windows up and switch your air to circulate.

Consider using an anti-inflammatory nasal spray.

If your eyes are affected by hayfever, eye drops can help soothe them.

Antihistamines have different ingredients. If one tablet is not working for you, consider swapping to another type.

Boots have three allergy bundles available to continue to offer customers a complete care solution for their allergy and hayfever symptoms. Boots have also introduced a children’s hayfever and allergy bundle. Speak to your local pharmacist for the right solutions for you.

Boots Pharmaceuticals Allergy Barrier Nasal Spray (€9.99 ) is a non-drowsy nasal powder spray that delivers fast, effective protection against hayfever and other airborne allergens. The spray forms a barrier and starts to work in just three minutes. It is suitable for adults including pregnant women and children older than 18 months old.

PrevAllergy tablets (€9.99, 30 day supply ) relieve symptoms such as sneezing, running nose, burning and itchy eyes throughout the season. (Contains Cetirizine Dihydrochloride. Always read the label ).

Irritated Eyes Eye Drops (€4.99 ) are suitable for both adults and children to soothe itchy eyes.


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