Lough Ree RNLI to celebrate March milestone occasion with numerous community events

Lough Ree RNLI will celebrate the milestone occasion of its 200th birthday in March with numerous community events

Lough Ree RNLI will celebrate the milestone occasion of its 200th birthday in March with numerous community events

Following another busy year on the water during which Lough Ree RNLI responded to 38 calls for assistance, the charity will celebrate its 200th birthday on March 4 2024 with many events planned throughout the year.

At a local level the requirement for financial support is as important as ever. All crew boat crew go through intensive training throughout the year, facilities and equipment is in constant need of renewal and the demand for the emergency service continues to grow on Lough Ree and the River Shannon.

The average cost of training a crew member is over €1,500 and to provide a drysuit, lifejacket and helmet adds another €2,000 to the bill.

Around 140 people die by accident in Irish and UK waters every year. The volunteer RNLI crews remain on call to respond to any emergency. In 2022 there were 1,387 people aided, 30 of which were categorised as ‘lives saved’.

“The charity values the brilliant support it receives from the community around Lough Ree and visitors to the Midlands. We look forward to meeting all our friends and supporters at the table quiz. This is one of the most significant fund-raising events for Lough Ree RNLI and makes a great contribution to safety on our waters,” treasurer of Lough Ree RNLI, Vincent Rafter, said.

The seventh annual RNLI Table Quiz takes place tonight at 8pm in The Bounty. A table of four participants costs €40. A great way to start the new year!


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