O’Rourke secures council funding for new street lighting in Coosan

Local Fianna Fáil councillor, Aengus O’Rourke, has welcomed the provision of funding from the Transportation Section of Westmeath County Council for new street lighting at a very dark spot along the Coosan Road.

“The ‘dark spot’ was in front of Cluain Eala housing estate, close to Rindoon Park and Clonbrusk West. This section of road is on a bend, it is a very busy road and it is a route used by a lot of walkers and cyclists every day. There simply was not enough public lights on the section of road and as a result it was quite dangerous, particularly when it was dark and wet.

“So, in this regard, I was delighted to secure funding for the installation of five new lighting columns and it was great to see them installed and commissioned last week. While there is no plan at the moment to extend these lights further towards Hillquarter, this is something I would like to explore and pursue in 2024 with the Transportation Section and I will continue to work with


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