Ticket to Dreamland - free book for bedtime reading from your local library

Borrowing books for free from your local library in Athlone and Moate is not something new, it is actually what libraries do.

However, as part of a ‘First 5’ initiative to foster a love of reading from an early age, children aged between 0-4 years can now visit their local library to pick up their own free bedtime book to keep.

The initiative also includes a special ‘Bedtime Reading Tips’ guide, enhancing the bedtime storytelling experience and fostering a bond between parent and child. Do you know that it is never too early to start reading together?

Exposure to books at a young age not only introduces more words into their vocabulary, it also lays the foundation for effective communication skills. In Westmeath Libraries, we believe in preparing young minds for a future enriched with language, unlocking a world of possibility through the magic of storytelling.

While picking up their book, parents and guardians can take the opportunity to join the family up to the library giving everyone their own ticket and ensuring free access to a treasure trove of captivating books, toys, games, and more. Libraries are the perfect place to find and try out different types of books and stories.

So, drop in today to your local library in Athlone and Moate and experience the joy of reading.

Remember, no fees, no fines, just the joy of reading.

For further details on Westmeath Libraries, visit www.westmeathculture.ie


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