Celebrating seven years of nurturing mind, body and soul at Crossfit Croí

Patrice Kenny and Ursula Hickey established Crossfit Croi in 2016

Patrice Kenny and Ursula Hickey established Crossfit Croi in 2016

As the Christmas season fast approaches and people are winding down and settling in for winter, the crew at Crossfit Croí in Athlone are implementing plans and setting goals for what is shaping up to be a busy 2024, as the local business, located in Blyry Business and Commercial Park, prepares to celebrate its seventh anniversary.

Crossfit Croí has evolved from an idea to a perennially busy crossfit box, fitness and wellness centre. Crossfit Croí caters for clients of all ages and abilities and has a dedicated team of health and fitness instructors on hand who work collectively to ensure the goals of all their members are achieved.

Crossfit Croí was established in 2016 by local sisters Ursula and Patrice Kenny with the idea of creating a community of like-minded people who support and encourage each other throughout every class and workout and that success and progress are more easily achieved with full support from a group of people with a common goal.

While there are many ways to look after your health, the dedicated team at Crossfit Croí fully believe that how you feed and move your body directly impacts on your daily life.

Taking part in regular physical activities can increase your self-esteem and reduce stress and anxiety. It gives you a natural energy boost, a sense of achievement and further increases your motivation to make healthier life choices.

It may be easier to say, “join a gym or go to an exercise class” than it may be to do so in reality, but you can be assured that Crossfit Croí has a very welcoming community of members waiting to help you get started on your journey, members who are there to celebrate your wins, however small you feel they may be and also to encourage and support you to your next goal.

The most basic movement you first learn learn in the gym is a squat and sometimes it is the perfect analogy for life. Troubles, burdens, stresses and weights are unfortunately commonplace and try to bring you down every day, but likewise in the gym, these ‘weights’, when used, can make you stronger, especially when you are surrounded by the most supportive crew cheering you on and willing you to stand tall. When you can embrace the uncomfortable, it soon becomes more comfortable and you grow.

Crossfit Croi has classes to suit each individual, all levels, from beginners to advanced crossfit athletes. There is a dedicated ladies only class and a recently added men’s only class. Crossfit Croi is also newly affiliated to HYROX Gym and has two weekly classes for that particular mode of training.

If that all sounds too much, there are personal trainers who can help make the transition to a class group much easier with small group or one-to-one training. Yoga with relaxation to stretch out the body and reset the mind with focused breath work also features on the Crossfit Croi timetable.

Both Ursula and Patrice have very big goals and plans in 2024 and the future looks bright for all the team at Crossfit Croí. Take that first step to taking care of your mind, body and soul at Crossfit Croí.

Contact Crossfit Croi for further information on their INSTAGRAM/FACEBOOK pages or call 085 8186055 today.


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