Publication of Private Wires consultation formally launched

Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan, has launched the publication of the Private Wires consultation, which opens up the potential to provide off-grid solutions for the generation and supply of electricity in Ireland as it moves towards greater reliance on indigenous, renewable energy.

"Currently, the Electricity Supply Board (ESB ) owns the national grid infrastructure in Ireland. However, if Private Wires are enabled, this would allow parties other than ESB to install and own electricity infrastructure, outside the confines of their own property, and to transmit electricity over this infrastructure.

"If permitted for, Private Wires would allow private individuals and/or undertakings to install their own privately owned electricity infrastructure linking generation with demand. This would represent a major shift in electricity policy in the State and as such may impact upon all citizens while also overhauling aspects of the electricity sector which have been in place since soon after the foundation of the State.

"The way electricity is generated and consumed will change over the coming years as we move towards a greater reliance upon renewable energy sources in order to offset the impact of climate change. To deliver this and the ability to meet the expected increase in electricity demand, Ireland must deliver an unprecedented amount of national electricity grid infrastructure. Separately we must also seek to enable off-grid solutions which may assist in meeting our climate targets and sectoral ceilings, to include developing a policy on Private Wires.

"The aim of this consultation is to gather the views of the public, stakeholders and interested parties alike, to consolidate our understanding of the role which Private Wires may play in the future Irish electricity ecosystem, as well as to identify the challenges and opportunities such a policy change may present. Responses will help inform the design and delivery of a Private Wires policy which will be launched in 2024.

"This consultation is of major significance as it will help to form ground-breaking policy that may impact the design and development of both our electricity ecosystem and grid into the future. Private Wires, if introduced, would represent perhaps one of the most significant transformations seen in our electricity market since the foundation of the State and the initial electrification of the nation. Private Wires has the potential to bring with it greater citizen engagement as well as critical capacity to our grid, allowing individuals, community groups or commercial entities to install and own electricity infrastructure as more and more people generate their own electricity from indigenous, renewable sources.

"We look forward to receiving feedback from a broad cross section of stakeholders and I encourage everyone to engage with and respond to this important consultation. We are accelerating our move towards renewable energy as we continue to battle the worst effects of climate change and Private Wires may play a part in delivering a more sustainable future for Ireland," the Minister stated.

Full details of the consultation can be viewed on the department's website: - Private Wires Consultation ( ) and the closing date for submissions is 5.30pm on Friday, October 13.


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