Arts Council launches new Equality, Diversity and all Inclusion (EDI) Implementation Plan

The Arts Council has launched its new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI ) Implementation Plan 2023-2028, as a commitment to their ongoing journey to help create a more inclusive arts community.

As the agency tasked with leading the development of the arts in Ireland, the Arts Council takes a proactive and focused approach to guaranteeing basic human rights.

Analysis of Arts Council awards recipients has shown that a higher proportion of award applicants and participants are female, that people with disability are under-represented by half, and that a majority of applicants and recipients are white and Irish.

This second EDI Policy Implementation Plan takes these learnings and aims to address them so that equality, diversity and inclusion is integral to all aspects of the organisation’s work, and in all arts and cultural funding and support initiatives.

The Arts Council recognises the importance of fostering a diverse and inclusive arts sector that reflects the rich and varied perspectives of Ireland's population. The Implementation Plan 2023-2028 is built on the foundation that everyone in Ireland has an equal right to engage with, and participate in the arts, regardless of age, civil or family status, disability, gender, membership of the Traveller community, race, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

The Implementation Plan consists of six key actions that address areas requiring development. These are: that Arts Council definitions of the artforms and practices supported can be more inclusive; that our funding model can be more accessible; that EDI integration to our working practices and to our support for and engagement with the arts sector can be improved; that our knowledge on barriers to participation and inconsistent approaches to communications and outreach can be developed and that we will continuously monitor and evaluate EDI initiatives.

The Arts Council believes that the arts are for all. From performers and producers to audience members, from artists to facilitators, there is room for everyone to participate, create and engage with the arts. We are keenly aware that, in Ireland, many inequities still exist and that there is a substantial number of people who continue to experience barriers to engaging with and participating in the arts.

“The implementation plan commits to placing equality, and inclusion at the heart of the Arts Council’s operational and strategic plans. This will require fundamental changes in our structures and operations. We will also encourage and support organisations and artists that we support to help make their work with artists and audiences more diverse and inclusive. The Arts Council firmly believes that every person living in Ireland has the right to create, engage with, enjoy and participate in the arts," Maureen Kennelly, Arts Council Director, said.

The development of the EDI Implementation Plan 2023-2028 marks the Arts Council’s continued commitment to eradicating barriers that prevent full access and participation in the arts in Ireland.

The Arts Council believes that through promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in the arts in Ireland, we can benefit from rich artistic outcomes and contemporary practice that is challenging, relevant and more accurately reflective of our society today.

The Arts Council and the EDI team will be attending a series of roadshows across the country in the coming months.


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