Westmeath Sports Partnership launch annual Volunteer Support Programme

Westmeath Sports Partnership has announced the launch of the Volunteer Support Programme 2023.

This initiative aims to foster growth and excellence within local sports clubs and organisations by providing financial assistance of up to €1000 towards the training and education of their invaluable volunteers for a total of twenty clubs.

Clubs cannot exist without the passionate individuals who selflessly dedicate their time and energy to support others. The Volunteer Support Programme is designed to empower volunteers and coaches in enhancing physical activity and community engagement.

The Volunteer Support Programme supports the delivery of training and education courses to support volunteers in their development as community leaders/coaches of sport and physical activity.

Eligibility and How to Apply:

The Volunteer Support Programme is open to all sports clubs and organisations that actively promote physical activity within their respective communities and wish to enhance the knowledge and skills of its volunteers.

Sports clubs in Westmeath are given the opportunity to set out the training and education courses they propose to implement and outline the benefits this will bring to their club and their volunteers as part of a special online application process.

Examples of such courses include:

· Sports specific coach education (e.g., athletics, basketball, GAA, soccer )

· Committee and / or volunteer education, administration & management courses

· Child protection, first aid

· Accredited courses by Sport Ireland Coaching or a national governing body of sport.

It should be noted that priority will be given to those applicants working within disadvantaged areas (Mullingar and Athlone RAPID Areas ) and or working with people with a disability.

Eligible applicants must:

· Be registered to a national governing body & based in Westmeath

· Operate as a “not for profit”

· Demonstrate why the additional training and education is required

· Demonstrate how additional training and education would lead to continued participation in sport and physical activity.

Applications with emphasis on participation of Westmeath Sports Partnership target groups will be favoured: older adults; women; teenage girls; disadvantaged communities; people with disabilities.

To apply for the Volunteer Support Programme, interested clubs must submit their applications no later than 23 August 2023.

The online application process is straightforward and user-friendly, with all the necessary details available on our website at www.westmeathsports.ie For more information about the Volunteer Support Programme and to apply, please visit https://www.westmeathsports.ie/sports-events-courses/volunteer-support-programme/.


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