Children’s ED doctor urges children and adolescents to wear their helmets

Cycling is great fun and great exercise, but it is so important to protect children whilst riding.

Every summer in Children’s Health Ireland’s (CHI ) Emergency Departments, we see a big uptick in injury presentations from children who were unfortunately not wearing a helmet on their bikes and suffered a fall or an accident. Our CHI staff report treating skull fractures, concussions, lacerations and facial injuries that could have been avoided if these children and adolescents were wearing helmets on their bikes. This uptick begins every year in May and continues for the rest of the summer, and appears to coincide with good weather and school holidays.

Dr Carol Blackburn, a Consultant Paediatrician in Emergency Medicine at CHI at Crumlin, is urging parents not to underestimate how much speed children can build up on a bicycle.

“I urge parents not to underestimate how much speed children build up on a bike, and the impact it can have on their bodies in a crash or collision. Just like it is a given that everyone wears a seatbelt in a car, it should be ingrained from a young age that everyone always wears a helmet on their bike. Even smaller children on their scooters should start the habit early. If I could prescribe a helmet to every child in Ireland, I would.

“Helmets reduce the likelihood of brain injury by over 80% and reduces the likelihood of facial injuries by 65%. In countries where the wearing of bicycle helmets has been legislated, evidence reports significant reductions in hospitalisations from head injuries after introduction of helmets as a law,” Dr Blackburn stated.

Five tips to get the perfect fit for your child’s helmet:

The best way to get the best fit is to first measure your child’s head and then buy the right size helmet for them. But even then, it will need some adjusting.

The helmet should cover most of their forehead with only room for two fingers between their eyebrows and their helmet. If it is too low, they won’t be able to see properly. If it is too high, it won’t protect their forehead properly.

The helmet should not move from side to side or backwards and forwards. Use the bands within the helmet to make sure it is stable on their head. Ask them to shake their head to make sure it stays in place.

The straps should fit below their ears and be firm and snug. You should not be able to get more than one finger in between the straps and their chin. If you can, tighten them up.

Check the fit regularly as straps can loosen over time.

Don’t forget to set the best example and wear your helmet too.

Find more information about Cycling Safety for Children on the HSE and RSA websites.


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