Athlone Golf Club Lady Captain Frances McGettigan honoured at annual women’s club dinner

A total of 76 members of the Women’s Club attended a dinner last Saturday night to honour Captain Frances McGettigan.

There was a festive party atmosphere with everyone in great cheer. Piotr and his team served a fantastic meal and Captain Frances enjoyed the evening surrounded by family and friends.

The presentation of the Christmas Hamper, kindly sponsored by Irish Life Sciences, took place just before the meal, Noreen O’Rourke presenting the first prize to Margaret Byrne on behalf of Irish Life Sciences.

The large attendance was testament to the hard work and diligence which Frances gave to her role as Lady Captain. Always approachable and always in good humour, Frances proved to be a very capable and popular Captain.

Men’s Club AGM

The Men’s Club AGM will be held on this Friday, November 11, at 7pm, to which all ordinary members are invited to attend.

Men’s Winter League

The Men’s Winter League will commence on Monday, November 14. This year’s League will be played over six rounds of twelve holes. The last round must be played by February 5 2023. Each Winter League team will comprise five members. The sign up sheets and rules are beside the computer in the men’s locker room. The League is also open to non-members who must have a World Golf Handicap and be a paid up member of another club. The top 16 teams will qualify for a play off in February 2023, the date to be confirmed. Non members can book by contacting 090 6492073 Option 2.

Ladies Winter League 2022

Just a reminder to any ladies wishing to play in the upcoming Winter League, the entry fee is €10, payable on entry to the competition.The competition is a 12 holes stableford singles competition. Play six rounds and your four best scores will count towards your final result. You may play any day and in conjunction with any other competition if you wish to do so. Remember to sign into the Winter League book with Name and Date BEFORE you go out to play. The competition is open to all members once you have a playing handicap.

Junior Golf Presentation

A very enjoyable function was held last Saturday when presentations were made to Junior golfers to mark the conclusion of the Summer season. Junior Convenor, Gerry Brennan, paid tribute to all those who had helped in any way to make the season a success. He also stated that coaching for Juniors will continue during the winter months.

Lotto Results

There were four Match 3 winners last Friday night at the Lotto draw. The jackpot was not won so this Friday the Jackpot will be €6,200. Lotto tickets can be purchased in the golf club or online at and by taking the Lotto option. The numbers drawn were 7,11,16,29.


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