Looking after your physical and mental health at Hot Yoga Athlone

As the post pandemic easing of restrictions continues, it is only now that we can start to assess and tackle the effects which the last two years has had on physical and mental health.

Statistics show that over 50 percent of people are suffering from neck, shoulder or lower back pain as the pandemic has resulted more longer periods of sitting in the home.

Hot Yoga Athlone welcome this easing of restrictions as the general public attempt to return to a sense of normality.

Over the past two year the pandemic has had a significant impact on all our lives, Ireland having one of the highest rates of working from home in the EU. This change to working from home also meant many employees are sitting for longer periods of time. This continuous sitting for long periods means they tend to end up slumping and sinking into their lower back which in turn causes tightening of the hamstrings and shortening the hip flexors. Also, statistics have shown that employees working from home take fewer breaks and work longer hours.

This was also accompanied by a lot more screen time on our phones, tablets, and laptops, which has resulted in ‘text neck’. This is the term used to describe the posture formed by leaning forward and stressing muscles while using our devices. As a result, there is a rounding of the shoulders, shortening and tightening to the muscles at front and back of the shoulders.

This increase in sitting and stressing our muscles has caused a significant number of people to suffer from tight hips and shoulders, which leads to back pain and discomfort. In a study carried out by the Institute of Employment Studies more than half of 500 home workers surveyed reported new aches and pains, especially in the neck (58 percent ) and back (55 percent ).

Almost half of those working from home are experiencing back or neck pain, an Irish chiropractic clinic has revealed. New research conducted by Chiropractix in 2021 noted that 46 percent of people working from home due to Covid-19 restrictions are struggling with back or neck pains, or both.

Tricia Fleming, owner of Hot Yoga Athlone, is very aware the impact the pandemic has had on people’s physical and mental health.

“In the last two years I have designed new sequences to target a lot of the problems and issues created by the pandemic, not only the obvious physical problems but also the mental stress we have all suffered. We pride ourselves in knowing each and every person in class and make sure everyone’s needs are catered for. Our motto is – ‘Yoga is for everybody but we bend it for you at Hot Yoga Athlone’,” Tricia enthused.

Hot Yoga Athlone strive to get you back on track sooner rather than later and there are a range of classes to suit all levels from beginners to advanced.

As a first timer to the studio, you will start with a BASE class which is suitable for all levels. All details can be found on hotyogaathlone.com

Follow on Facebook Hot Yoga Athlone and Instagram @hotyogaathlone.


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