Community spirit to the fore during united Battery Heights spring clean

Community spirit was very much prevalent in recent times as the residents of Battery Heights united for a spring season clean-up of their living surrounds.

Their sterling efforts were assisted by those of Athlone Town Mayor, Cllr Aengus O’Rourke, who duly complimented the support afforded to the clean-up operation.

“I would like to thank the residents of Battery Heights for their help during the recent community clean-up and I was delighted to be supported by more than thirty residents on the day. For three hours we picked litter, pulled weeds, swept paths and in general we worked hard to improve all corners of the Battery Heights area.

“Everyone stayed within their own area in front of and surrounding their own house so that social distancing could be managed.

“Twice yearly, I organise a community clean-up in this vast housing estate which has an equally vast green space. While there have been littering issues in the area in recent times, I am confident that the more opportunities there are for residents to participate in initiatives like this the better the long term outcome will be.

“I am delighted to see that a number of residents have agreed to do regular litter picks in the area and I have provided them with litter pickers, bags and gloves.

“I work very closely with the residents in Battery Heights on a daily basis, I have developed close friendships with many of the residents there and I am only too happy to help when ever I can,” Cllr O’Rourke remarked.

The Town Mayor noted that he was presently in the throes of establishing a long-term environmental solution for Battery Heights.

“I am working on a long-term environmental solution for Battery Heights. A TUS scheme is due to start there once the present Covid-19 restrictions lifted. This scheme will take care of the grass cutting and general upkeep of the area on an ongoing basis.

“Also, through my involvement with the Athlone Family Resource Centre, we are planning to role out an allotment program in Battery Heights, but again we are waiting for restrictions to ease for that to commence.

“I am also willing to help other estates in the Athlone area to organise community clean-ups. I am happy to sponsor temporary signage to promote a local clean-up, the signs would stay up for one week and would simply be a means of asking local people to come out and assist with the proposed clean-up on the day.

“I can also promote the clean-up on my social media platforms and I am happy to help with the actual clean-up on the day. So, anyone interested in this support should contact me at,” the Town Mayor concluded.


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