Essential funding investment a much welcome announcement for Clonbonny National School

Constituency Fianna Fáil Minister of State, Robert Troy, has welcomed confirmation from the Minister for Education that significant funding has been put in place to provide additional accommodation at Clonbonny NS.

The works, which will be carried out shortly will see the current prefab classroom replaced with general purpose classroom measuring 80 metres squared and also provide for the construction of two special education teaching rooms which have been sought by school management.

“Following months of engagement with school management and the Minister for Education I am delighted that this much needed project has been approved. I met with the school principal on site and it is quite clear that Covid-19 restrictions have heightened the pre-existing need for additional accommodation at Clonbonny.

“Since restrictions have been enforced, the staff canteen has had to be transformed into an additional classroom. Having witnessed the pressure on space I arranged for a visit from the school accommodation unit to highlight the urgency of this matter.

“The works approved by the Department of Education will undoubtedly be of huge benefit to the teaching staff and pupils alike and will give pupils the space and facilities to grow and flourish through their early education” Minister Troy remaked.

Works are expected to take place during the summer months to develop the additional facilities.

Clonbonny NS funding allocation welcomed

Further welcoming the allocation of funds towards the enhancement of facilities at Clonbonny NS, local Councillor, Frankie Keena, noted that the imposition of specific Covid-19 public health guidelines has impacted upon the space situation at the school.

“I am simply thrilled to hear of this funding allocation news. Clonbonny NS principal, Joan Donnelly, her staff, Board of Management and the students in this lovely school, have been discommoded by the shortage of adequate space long before Covid-19 arrived Ireland and subsequently the space issue has escalated significantly following the implementation of the public health guidelines on school campuses due to the pandemic.

“In recognising the urgency in resolving this matter I had numerous conversations with Ms Donnelly and subsequently, made direct representation on the matter to both Minister Foley’s and Minister Troy’s office on a regular basis. This announcement is now a good news story for all stakeholders.

“Reflecting upon the progress which is being made on the provision of such infrastructure within this school campus and environs has been linked somewhat to the benefits of school participation in the Junior Mayor Initiative which I started three years ago and I would like to thank the principal for engaging with this valuable initiative.

“Issues such as speeding traffic on the road outside this school, lack of adequate classroom space for teaching and learning, climate action, and the need for an extra outdoor play area have all been raised with me by the various school’s Junior Mayors and their peers within this school. It is all about giving young people a voice, to listening to them and doing your best to deliver on their behalf.

“Subsequently, the speeding traffic has been kindly addressed by the Council with the provision of extra road markings to compliment existing warning signals, climate action awards projects have been rolled out to students in participating schools thanks to the sponsorship of Arcadia Retail Park and the lack of adequate space has now been addressed by the approval of this major funding with the identified building works to be carried this year.

“Finally, discussions are ongoing in relation to identifying options for the delivery of an extra outdoor play area on the school campus. Our goal is to install an astro turf playing facility at this school,” Cllr Keena concluded.


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