‘Ballinasloe Says No’ to host online waste site public meeting

On foot of a further application to the local authority to operate a waste transfer permit in Ballinasloe, the community group ‘Ballinasloe Says No’ have announced a public online zoom meeting to take place on Tuesday, November 17, at 8pm.

This application is a follow on in response to the relevant permit declined by Galway County Council in January 2020 and the successful win at the High Court on the previous infill permit in 2018.

The group are affirming their stance against the possible detrimental impact on the East Galway town and according to Fine Gael Senator, Aisling Dolan, who is co-founder and secretary of ‘Ballinasloe Says No’ they do now wish to envision “30 tonne trucks on our streets, air pollution in built up urban areas from diesel powered vehicles and damage to the local environment.”

“This site in Ballinasloe is an inappropriate location for a waste transfer station and it would force a large volume of trucks through the centre of Ballinasloe to gain relevant access. This development would have a huge impact to our health, road safety and the environment.

“Over the past number of years our committee and team have held large public meetings, campaigned and fundraised to raise public awareness regarding the impact of this development to the future of our town.

“We have a fantastic committee and team who have volunteered and supported our campaign and with over 2,000 submissions objecting to the permit declined last year we know how important this is to people in Ballinasloe and the surrounding area,” Senator Dolan asserted.

Dr Vincent Parsons, Chairperson, noted that the Poolboy site is utterly unsuitable for a major waste facility for a wealth of reasons.

“This site in Poolboy is unsuitable for a major waste facility on several grounds. Access for the rubbish trucks is through the town, passing beside our schools and Portiuncula hospital and it is in close proximity to numerous family homes.

“Odorous gases, dust, flies and vermin cause multiple health hazards. It is adjacent to the River Suck flood plain. Leachate will contaminate the drinking water and have an adverse effect on the wildlife and migratory birds in the Callows. It would be hard to find a more unsuitable site for a major waste facility and the people of Ballinasloe area must come together to save their town from this monstrosity,” Dr Parsons commented.

Dr Evelyn Parsons successfully campaigned previously against this development. Now as a local authority Councillor, this new campaign is among her top priorities.

“When Galway County Council make the valid application available to view submissions will be invited within a specific time frame. I strongly urge the public to engage actively in this process. I have huge concerns for the health and safety of our community and the unique sensitive environment around the River Suck Callows and natural floodplains. We need to safeguard our quality of life and Ballinasloe’s potential for sustainable tourism development as well as future investment.”

People can register through Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/ballinasloe-says-no-online-public-meeting-tickets-127992349563

For further queries, please email ballinasloesaysno@gmail.com and relevant information will be posted on facebook @ballinasloesaysno and Instagram @ballinasloe_says_no.


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