Running aspiration is fulfilled as fundraising ambitions achieved


A new year resolution to attain optimum personal health and fitness levels materialised into a noteworthy fundraising initiative as time elapsed for Laurencetown native, Jonathan Glynn.

Having made the decision to run each day during 2019, Jonathan gradually gained momentum on his daily outings and as the summer months approached (with injury at a minimum ), he opted to afford his running efforts to charitable causes, with the Laurencetown Community Development Group and East Galway and Midlands Cancer Support Centre being his chosen beneficiaries.

“In 2018, I gained some training experience having participated in the Triathlone, and while enjoyable, I must say I was not one to regularly exercise. However, at the turn of 2019 I took a notion to run each day of the calendar year. I started with small distances of three and five kilometres and gradually extended my running duration as the time passed.

“After six months I was still relatively injury free so I decided to put my running effort to just cause and fundraise for two local causes close to my heart. I established a Run 365 gofundme page to which donations continue to be received, while locals completed sponsorship cards over the duration of the year for which I am most grateful,” Jonathan remarked.

As the journey continued and on occasion, with motivation wavering, Jonathan reflected upon his running cause which gave him added impetus to complete the Run 365 challenge.

“As winter approached, the days became darker and it was difficult at times to maintain motivation, but with so many contributing to the cause in reflection of my running efforts, it made the task more achievable,” Jonathan commented.

Having completed in the region of 50 kilometres per week, the Run 365 chapter culminated on New Year’s Eve when Jonathan, joined by members of the local community, ran in in excess of a marathon distance (44 kilometres ).

“I had my preparation for the distance completed in advance of the New Year’s Eve run with the aim being to complete four loops of a local route in Laurencetown. Thankfully, I had such great support as I ran with notable gratitude to Mags Kilkenny, Aine Kenny, Lynn Donnelly, Lorraine Treacy, Justin Donnelly and Cathal Pardy, all of whom accompanied on the looped course,” Jonathan reflected.

As the limbs recover following the Run 365 experience, Jonathan lauded the ongoing support afforded to him by his immediate family, wife Carol, daughter, Emma and son, John, during the calendar challenge.

A personal achievement of immense significance, Jonathan completed a running journey of 2,280 kilometres during his treading camber challenge and as a new year has now dawned, he acknowledged that his worthy deed has yet to “hit home”.

“It has been a surreal experience, particularly with regard to the run on New Year’s Eve as all those present and who joined me on the route were there because of my decision to run while raising funds for the two causes. To them, I will be forever indebted. To date, we have raised in excess of €5,000 for both organisations with the Run 365 gofundme page still operational for further donations should people choose to do so,” Jonathan continued.


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